-- Name: objects_access_nbrusers.sql
-- Description: Objects - Display objects being accessed with number of users for each. For multiple objects specify %.
-- Compatability: tested on 9i
-- Usage: @objects_access_users %
-- @objects_access_users objectname
set serveroutput on
set pagesize 1000
set linesize 133
set verify off
col object for A34
col owner for A16 trunc
col type for A12 head Obj|type
col accessed for 9999 head "Accessed|by # users"
select A.owner,A.object,A.TYPE,count(*) accessed
from v$ACCESS A
where A.owner not in ('SYS','SYSTEM')
--and A.TYPE = 'TABLE'
and object like '&&1'
group by A.owner,A.object,A.TYPE
order by accessed
rem Name: XObj1.sql
rem Date: 20-dec-2000
rem Desc: Shows users accessing a specific table.
col SID for 999
col owner for A10 trunc
col type for A6 trunc
col object for A24 trunc
col command for 999
col username for A14
set linesize 90
select S.SID
from v$ACCESS A
where S.username is not null
and S.SID = A.SID
and A.owner not in ('SYS','SYSTEM')
and A.TYPE = 'TABLE'
and C.action = S.command
and A.object like upper('&Object_name%')