Sessions - Show sessions using resources
-- Sessionresources.sql
-- Sesssion - Show sessions using resources

-- Session stats -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- v$sess_io: select session io stats
select osuser,username,b.*,a.program
from v$session a, v$sess_io b 
where a.sid = b.sid;

-- show worse phys reads sessions
Set lines 200
col PROGRAM for a15
col USERNAME for a15
col osuser for a15
-- col sid for a10

select osuser,substr(username,1,15) username, status,b.*,a.program
from v$session a, v$sess_io b 
where a.sid = b.sid 
and b.physical_reads > 10000
order by Status,physical_reads desc;

-- show worse phys reads sessions
select osuser,substr(username,1,15),b.*,a.program
from v$session a, v$sess_io b 
where a.sid = b.sid 
and b.physical_reads > 1000
order by physical_reads desc;

-- SQL statements that consumed the most resources in terms of CPU and/or memory
select substr(osuser,1,20) as osuser,
       rpad(substr(username,1,12),12,' ') as username, 
       substr(terminal,1,25) as terminal,
       substr(s.machine,1,30) as machine,
from v$statname n,
v$session s,
v$sesstat t
where s.sid=t.sid
 and n.statistic# = t.statistic#
 and s.type = 'USER'
-- and s.osuser = 'user123'
-- and = 'session pga memory'
 and t.value > &try_more_than_50000
order by value DESC

Select a.username,  b.Executions,  
  ((b.Disk_Reads + b.Buffer_Gets) /  Decode(b.Executions, 0, 1, b.Executions)) Avg_Buffers,	
  b.Disk_Reads, b.Buffer_Gets, b.first_load_time  Load_Time,  b.SQL_Text 
From dba_users a, V$SQLArea b 
Where a.user_id = b.parsing_user_id  
And((Disk_Reads + Buffer_Gets) / Decode(Executions, 0, 1, Executions)) > 10000  
Or (Executions > 2000
    And ((Disk_Reads + Buffer_Gets) / Decode(Executions, 0, 1, Executions)) > 500) 
Order By ((Disk_Reads + Buffer_Gets) / Decode(Executions, 0, 1, Executions)) Desc

-- Display session stats for a specific sid
select substr(osuser,1,20) as osuser,
       rpad(substr(username,1,12),12,' ') as username, 
       substr(terminal,1,25) as terminal,
       substr(s.machine,1,30) as machine,
from v$statname n,
v$session s,
v$sesstat t
where s.sid=t.sid
 and n.statistic# = t.statistic#
 and s.sid = 9
 and s.type = 'USER'
-- and s.osuser = 'user123'
-- and = 'session pga memory'
 -- and t.value > &try_more_than_50000
 and like '%cursor%'
order by value DESC

You can also pick out the user that has the most disk I/Os and trace what statements they are running using the command:

SELECT ses.sid, ses.serial#, ses.osuser, ses.process
   FROM v$session ses, v$sess_io sio
  WHERE ses.sid  = sio.sid
    AND nvl(ses.username,'SYS') not in ('SYS', 'SYSTEM')
    AND sio.physical_reads = (SELECT MAX(physical_reads)
                                FROM v$session ses2, v$sess_io sio2
                               WHERE ses2.sid = sio2.sid
                                 AND ses2.username 
                                  NOT IN ('SYSTEM', 'SYS'));

SID                     SERIAL#             OSUSER     PROCESS 
41                        46               corriganp      12818

List all users and disk i/o:

set lines 200
SELECT ses.sid, ses.serial#, ses.osuser,substr(ses.username,1,15) as username, 
	sio.physical_reads, sio.block_gets, ses.process
   FROM v$session ses, v$sess_io sio
  	WHERE ses.sid  = sio.sid
    AND nvl(ses.username,'SYS') not in ('SYS', 'SYSTEM','DBSNMP')
	ORDER BY sio.physical_reads desc

--------- --------- --------------- --------------- -------------- ---------- ---------
       10        21 bergeroner      ADMIN                  10185      13799 429453625
       14       121 willhaukdo      ADMIN                     86       1394 429411523
        9        47 alamama         ADMIN                     10         44 429486258
       16        46 bergeroner      ADMIN                      6         35 429460271
       18        44 taillefede      ADMIN                      6         69 429080223
       19        63 novickmi        ADMIN                      0         42 429453523