The Oracle DB Reference
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Oracle Reference
Administration Backup/Recovery PL/SQL Scripts SQL and Object Reference SQL*Plus Tuning Utilities White Papers FAQ
O/S and Other Reference
ASP With Oracle Unix Windows
ADRCI - quick reference
Archived and redo logs - Examples
Archived and redo logs - redos
Archived and redo logs - Resize redos
Auditing Database Connections and more
Cloning 11g Database in Windows
Cloud Control - change timeout
Compile a package/package body
Create a dblink under a different user
Database Name - Display and add to SQL*Plus Prompt
Datafiles - Rename
Date and time - Examples of processing
dbms_application_info package - Using the
dbms_job package - Examples of using
dbms_space.unused_space - Finding unused space for a table
dbms_stats and Collecting Database Stastics
DBMS_STATS Save Statistics before Gather
DDL - Examples to get object ddl via dbms_metadata
Disable Bind Peaking
Display Audit Trail Info in 12c
Display Number of CPUs on Host
External Table - Example
FRA - Move
Get/Set DBMS_STATS Parameters
How to fix : PLAN_TABLE is old version
List Oracle installed products
LOBS Queries
Managing profiles
NLS Parameters
Objects - Show used/unused space information for a specific object
orapwd - Oracle password file
Query DBA views
Query V$ views
Quick test to verify that Oracle Text works
Recompile Invalid Objects in PDB$SEED 12c
Rollback Segments - Managing
Semaphores - setting systems parameters
Show tablespace space usage
Space Management
sqlnet.ora 12.2 example
Table Monitoring
Upgrade 12.1 to 12.2
User - Resolve lock or expired password
Using Multiple Oracle Homes on Linux
Using Multiple Oracle Homes on Windows
V$License: Query the oracle license, current sessions and maximum sessions
Views - Displays text of views
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