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Check Installed Patches on Database

Columns - Search Long Column

Constraints - Disable all the foreign keys for the current user/schema login

Constraints - Disables all the foreign keys referencing a specific table for the

Constraints - Drop all the foreign keys part of a specific table for the current user/schema login

Constraints - Enable all the foreign keys for the current user/schema login

Constraints - Enable all the foreign keys referencing a specific table for the current user/schema login

Create Proxy user

Data files - Display data files of the database

Data files - Display free space for all data_files

Database - Display database information

Database - Display database information in HTML

dbms_metadata.get_ddl - Index DDL

dbms_metadata.get_ddl - Synonym DDL

dbms_metadata.get_ddl - Tablespace DDL

DDL - Generate portable database link with passwords

Extract encrypted user password

Gather stats for a database

Indexes - Display all indexes and columns for a specified owner and table

Indexes - Display all indexes and columns for a specified table owned by current

Indexes - Display segments sizing information for a all ixs of a table

Init Parms - Display non-default parms in HTML format

Jobs - Show jobs currently running


Objects - Backup an object to a text file.

Objects - Backup objects of current user to a text file.

Objects - Compile invalid objects for a specified user: functions, procedures, packages, views and triggers.

Objects - Display differences between stored objects of two different instances

Objects - Display invalid objects

Objects - Display invalid objects 12c container

Objects - Display objects being accessed for a schema

Objects - Display objects being accessed with number of users for each

Objects - Display used/unused space information for a specific object

Objects - Export the source of an object to a file

Objects - Generate SQL to drop all stored objects for the current user/schema login

Objects - List objects being accessed in a specific schema

Privileges - Compare all privileges between two instance for a specific user

Privileges - Generate all grant statements for a specific user

Privileges - Grants select privilege for all tables in the current user/schema login for the specified user or role

Privileges - Show all privileges for a specific object

Privileges - Show all privileges for a specific user

Rollback Segments - Alter all offline rollback segments to online, except the system rollback

Segments - Display segments sizing information

Segments - Display segments with more than 20 extents and the next extent size

Sessions - Display session_wait events and associated user and sql

Sessions - Displays sessions/users connected to the database

Show formatted database links

Show Hidden Parameters for an Instance

Show the histograms for a schema

Sorts - show current sorts and the associated SQL and session

SQL - Display statement with a specific hash value from v$sqlarea

SQL - Display Top-N Queries from v$sqlarea

SQLText - Displays text of active SQLs

SQLText - Displays text of active SQLs for a specific sid

SQLText - Displays text of SQL for a specific hash_value

SQLText - Displays text of SQL for a specific SQL address

Statspack - Displays snapshots taken

Synonyms - Create public synonyms for all objects in current schema that dont already have a public

Synonyms - Creates public synonyms for all objects in all schemas (except sys, system) that don't already have a public synonym.

Synonyms - Drop and recreate all public synonyms for the current user/schema login

Synonyms - Find objects for a specific owner that don't have a public synonym

sysstat - Displays system stats

system events - Displays the non-idle system events for the database

Tables - Analyze chained rows for all tables of the current user/schema login

Tables - Analyze compute statistics for all tables of the current user/schema login

Tables - Count number of rows for each table in the current schema/login

Tables - Display space used by a table and its indexes

Tables - Displays stats of table

Tables - Enhanced describe of an Oracle8 table

Tables - Estimate statistics for all tables of the current user/schema login

Tables - Generate part of an SQL/Loader .ctl file for a specific table in current schema

Tables - List differences between 2 table definitions in two different instances

Tables - List table definitions differences between two tables in two different instances

Tables - Show data differences between 2 tables

Tablespaces - Displays free space for all tablespaces

Tablespaces - Displays tablespaces info

Tablespaces - Show allocated and used space for each tablespace in the database

Users - Displays information about a user.

Views - Show view text for a schema and view name

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