The Oracle DB Reference
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Oracle Reference
Administration Backup/Recovery PL/SQL Scripts SQL and Object Reference SQL*Plus Tuning Utilities White Papers FAQ
O/S and Other Reference
ASP With Oracle Unix Windows
AWR Reports
Create Outline for Plan Stability
Datafiles - Show Statistics
Explain Plan - Script to display the explain plan for a specific SQL statement
Explain Plan - Setup
Explain Plan - show using dbms_xplan
Flush a Single SQL statement from the Shared Pool
Latches - Show Statistics
Locking - Example Queries
My current session stats - display REDOs
Redo Latches - Show Statistics
Report IO per sec for all servers in the environment
Resource Manager - Display current plans
Rollback Segments - List performance data
Rollback Segments - List users/processes using them
Sessions - Show sessions using resources
Sessions - show user session based on unix pid
Show long operations - like tablescans
SPM- Load Plan from Cursor Cache
SQL - Show active
SQL tracing - tracing the SQL of a session
Statspack - Quick reference
tkprof - Format an sql trace dump
Transactions - Show active
Utlbstat and utlestat - Report on Oracle Statistics
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